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Our Beliefs


in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;

in the forgiveness of sins and new life made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ;

in God's invitation for all people to join his family through faith in Christ;

in the Bible as our only infallible guide for faith and practice;

in the church as the universal company of Christ's followers;

in two sacraments: baptism and the Lord's Supper.

We baptize adults, youth, and the young children of professing Christians during worship services as a sign of God's covenant of grace with us. As such, the sacrament of baptism compares to circumcision in the Old Testament. Baptism down not "save" anyone, so those baptized as infants must, at an appropriate time, accept Christ as Lord and affirm that baptism as their own. While we accept all modes of baptism, we believe sprinkling best represents the baptism of the Holy Spirit as taught in Scripture.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) on the first Sunday of the month and on special days of the Christian year. We practice open communion and invite everyone who professes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to participate, regardless of church affiliation. Our usual mode of serving the Lord's Supper is for our elders to take the bread and cup to the pew with worshipers taking and holding the elements as they are passed so that all might partake together. We do not believe that the bread and cup become the body and blood of Christ. Instead, we affirm that the risen Christ is spiritually present during our observance and that Christ nourishes, strengthens, and encourages us during the Supper.‬


We gladly accept new members in any one of three ways:

Profession of Faith in Christ (and baptism if needed)

Transfer of membership from another congregation

Reaffirmation of faith if coming from a church which does not grant letters of transfer, or after an inactive period‬

Cumberland Presbyterians adopt the "Whosoever Will" belief that enables you to come to terms with your faith in your own way. The only requirement is set forth in Scripture : "That you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead."(Romans 10:9).

For more information, please read our CONFESSION OF FAITH.




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(972) 723-3758